Before the commence of a new semester each student must choose the courses they want to take by filling out a Study Plan (Kartu Rencana Studi/ KRS) via SIMASTER application or at including those students who had taken a course of “Legal Research” in the previous semester. Each student can log onto the Portal using Single Sign On (SSO) account. The amount of credits a student may take in each semester (excluding the first semester) depends on their Grade Point Average (Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif/GPA/IP) obtained in the previous semester only, as formulated below:
- GPA ≥ 3.00 : maximum 24 credits;
- GPA 2.50-2.99 : maximum 21 credits;
- GPA 2.00-2.49 : maximum 18 credits;
- GPA 1.50-1.99 : maximum 15 credits; and
- GPA ≤ 1.49 : maximum 12 credits.
Please note for a student whose University Registration Number (NIU) is ended with odd number (e.g. 1, 3, 5, 7, etc), s/he shall choose class A, and for a student whose NIU is ended with even number (e.g. 2, 4, 6, etc) s/he shall choose class B. In a certain circumstance that a student re-takes a course(s) in which the courses are scheduled at the same time, s/he is allowed to take a course regardless of her or his NIU.
For students who are going to choose a concentration, please follow the procedure on the following page
If a student cannot take Cross-Department Elective Course during Study Plan (KRS) period because of prerequisite course issues, s/he shall complete this application form
For the Criminal Court Practice course, class allocation will be decided by the academic office.
To see the course schedule offered in this semester, please see the following link
The schedule to fill out a Study Plan (KRS) for Even Semester A.Y. 2024/2025 will be held on Monday – Tuesday, 3 – 4 February 2025
KRS Darurat form is available on Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Schedule distribution for KRS by batch:
– Batch 2024 & 2023 start at 9.00 WIB
– Batch 2022 & 2021 start at 10.00 WIB
– Batch 2020, 2019, 2018 start at 11.00 WIB
For the course registration (KRS) in the Even Semester A.Y. 2024/2025, to help students organize their schedules and avoid time conflicts, the following recommendations are provided:
- Students must complete the EDOM and Mental Health Evaluation before performing KRS.
- Students repeating courses should adjust their schedules according to the course allocation for the semester to avoid schedule clashes.
- The maximum number of students per mandatory class is 40 students. The maximum number of students for elective courses is still flexible.
- Classroom allocation may be adjusted according to the number of students after the KRS period.
- The MBKM class listings for all courses are specifically for students taking MBKM this semester (for PRA KRS purposes and MBKM grade conversion).
- Final-semester students who are only taking the Legal Research course are still REQUIRED to perform KRS. If not completed, their academic data will be incomplete in PDDIKTI, and they will not receive a graduation PIN for the commencement.
The Academic Office is responsible for ensuring all students are assigned to classes through the online KRS or KRS Darurat after the KRS period (where students who have not received classes will only select the courses, while the class assignments will be adjusted by the academic office). The Academic Office is also responsible for ensuring the class size balance across all courses.
- KRS Darurat (for students who have not get the classes) can fill out the form here, from February 4 (at 3:00 PM WIB) to February 5, 2025 (at 3:00 PM WIB).
- Course Drop can be done until February 16, 2025.
For exchange students (incoming) please fill in this form to do the KRS
If you have any difficulties in doing online study plan (KRS), please contact IUP Secretariat during office hours.