Before the commence of a new semester each student must choose the courses they want to take by filling out a Study Plan (Kartu Rencana Studi/ KRS) via SIMASTER application or at including those students who had taken a course of “Legal Research” in the previous semester. Each student can log onto the Portal using Single Sign On (SSO) account. The amount of credits a student may take in each semester (with the exception of the first semester) depends on their Grade Point Average (Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif/GPA/IP) obtained in the previous semester only, as formulated below:
- GPA ≥ 3.00 : maximum 24 credits;
- GPA 2.50-2.99 : maximum 21 credits;
- GPA 2.00-2.49 : maximum 18 credits;
- GPA 1.50-1.99 : maximum 15 credits; and
- GPA ≤ 1.49 : maximum 12 credits.
Please note for a student whose University Registration Number (NIU) is ended with odd number (e.g. 1, 3, 5, 7, etc), s/he shall choose class A , and for a student whose NIU is ended with even number (e.g. 2, 4, 6, etc) s/he shall choose class B. In a certain circumstance that a student re-takes a course(s) in which the courses are scheduled at the same time, s/he is allowed to take a course regardless of her or his NIU.
If you have any difficulties in doing online study plan (KRS), please contact IUP Secretariat during office hours.
To see the courses offered in each semester please see the following link;